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This is a Showit Website Template made for the light and airy photographer with a romantic brand as not only the color palette but the details, such as the script font, makes this template very soft and elegant.It can preferably be used for wedding photographers, family photographersas well as newborn photographers. About Michelle Showit Website […]

Michelle – Showit Website Template for Photographers


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As a photographer, it’s important to update your website now and then.And I don’t mean design-wise. I mean content-wise.Much of our work can change only through a year, which must be communicated on your website to grow your business sustainably. In this post, I will give you tips on updates that will refresh your photography […]

Updates that will refresh your photography website

Website Tips

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A promotional banner or a notification bar is placed on top of your website to alert your site visitors about something you want to highlight for the moment. A notification bar is relatively easy to add on your Showit website, but there are a few things to pay attention to and decide about first. Why […]

How to add a notification bar to your Showit Website


Website Tips

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This is not a blog post that will tell you if you have a well-designed website that is built with a strategy to convert, your bookings will increase, and allow you to raise your prices.  No, this is a blog post about marketing psychology. And about getting confidence as a photographer to be able to […]

The psychology of how your web design impacts your prices as a photographer


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  It took me a long time to understand this thing with “Call to Action”, or CTA, as it’s described short.  For me, it felt so salesy and pushy to use them both in my Instagram posts and on my website. But since I understood how to use it as a part of a strategy […]

How to correctly use Call to Actions on your website

How to use Call to Action correctly

Website Tips

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As photographers, we are in the visual business. That put pressure on our websites, to also be visually pleasing places. We have a higher need for our websites to deliver a certain feeling, vibe, emotion, and standard. As well as we need strong tools in order to show our galleries.Let me introduce you to Showit. […]

5 Reasons Photographers Should Use Showit For Their Website


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It’s a special moment where I finally can show you the result of a Showit Template Customization that is made for the sweetest girl found on the American west coast. This website has been finalized during periods of Covid and other health problems, but that didn’t stop this website to get a result beyond amazing. […]

Showit Template Customization for Love Michelle

Customisation Showit template


How low prices are bad for you and your photography business

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When I was a newbie photographer, I didn’t charge much. One reason was that I had high demands on myself and didn’t feel I could charge much as I didn’t know enough about photography. Plus, I was listening to the WORST advice ever;“Do not let anyone else pay for your education” My pricing story for […]

How low prices are bad for you and your business


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Maybe you have seen it, maybe not. The little box that shows when adding links to your website asks “open in a new window”.You have probably ignored it because you are a bit unsure how to use it. But after reading this post, you will never hesitate again. My first website On the first website […]

When to use “open in a new window” for your links

Website Tips

Must haves for your contact page

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This page might be the most underrated page on your site as it’s your contact page and just your contact form… But it’s far more than that!The contact page is the “final” page on your website. The page where you send people with the intention of converting them to clients.This post describes how you, as […]

6 things your contact page needs

Website Tips

Communicate your value workbook

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Easy seo updates for Photographers

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canva  templates for photographers

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