The blog that's here to help photographers grow and glow in their businesses


Website tips



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You know that feeling when you’ve spent hours trying to figure out SEO, only to find your newborn photography website still buried on page 7 of Google? You’ve watched tutorial after tutorial but somehow you do not see inquiries via Google? That’s why I designed Ruth, the Showit template that makes SEO work for newborn […]

The Showit Template That Makes SEO Work For Newborn Photographers

Ruth is the Showit Template That Makes SEO Work For Newborn Photographers. She comes in white and soft gray color and is perfect for motherhood photogrpahers.
The Eleanor Showit template for motherhood photographers features SEO-optimization, converting copy examples, and an elegant blush and white design. Perfect for maternity, newborn and family photography websites.
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You create these beautiful, heartfelt moments for your clients. Your sessions are thoughtfully planned and your images are stunning. But does your website truly reflect the amazing experience you provide? Eleanor is the new Showit Template for Maternity, Newborn and Family Photographers who want their online presence to match the quality of their work. Create […]

Eleanor is the new Showit Website Template for Maternity, Newborn and Family Photographers

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This is a Showit Website template made for Family and Motherhood photographers, preferably with a lighter design style. Its design is very delicate and sheer and will help you communicate feelings and value with transparent backgrounds that can give glimpses of locations or products such as artwork and books. About the Showit Website Template for […]

A Showit Template for Family and Motherhood Photographers

Showit Website Template for Family Photographers
How a family photographer now charges double after working with me on her new photography website
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When my client told me that her new Showit website made her book photography sessions at double the price compared to her old website, I was not surprised. Because I know the power of a well-designed website. And I guess it’s easy for me as a designer to see this as I know how it […]

How a new Showit website allowed my photographer client to double her pricing

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The magic with my Showit website templates is that they can easily be transformed to fit your photography business. It is just as simple as updating the pictures and the text, and you are good to go.To prove I’m not wrong, here are two examples of a Showit website template customized by two different photographers […]

A Showit Website Template customized by two photographers

Showit Website Template made for photographers
Showit website template for family photographers. With a soft color and a sophisticated design, this Showit website will work for family photographers in a light and airy style.
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This is a Showit Website Template made for family photographers with a light and airy style. The light colors make this template very elegant and suitable for photographers who work with maternity, newborn, and family sessions. About Astrid Showit Website Template This is a Showit website template for photographers with an elegant style that edits […]

Astrid – A Showit Website Template for Family Photographers

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This is a Showit Website Template made for the more dark and moodier photographer with a more classic and traditional brand with a black & white feeling that makes this template very elegant.It can preferably be used for wedding photographers, family photographersas well as newborn photographers. About Charlotte Showit Website Template This is a Showit […]

Charlotte – Showit Website Template for Photographers

Showit Website Template in balc and white color made for the dark and moody photographer
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This is a Showit Website Template made for the light and airy photographer with a romantic brand as not only the color palette but the details, such as the script font, makes this template very soft and elegant.It can preferably be used for wedding photographers, family photographersas well as newborn photographers. About Michelle Showit Website […]

Michelle – Showit Website Template for Photographers

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As photographers, we are in the visual business. That put pressure on our websites, to also be visually pleasing places. We have a higher need for our websites to deliver a certain feeling, vibe, emotion, and standard. As well as we need strong tools in order to show our galleries.Let me introduce you to Showit. […]

5 Reasons Photographers Should Use Showit For Their Website

Customisation Showit template
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It’s a special moment where I finally can show you the result of a Showit Template Customization that is made for the sweetest girl found on the American west coast. This website has been finalized during periods of Covid and other health problems, but that didn’t stop this website to get a result beyond amazing. […]

Showit Template Customization for Love Michelle

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Communicate your value workbook

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5 days of caption to sell more memberships

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Nursery Wall art Showit Page

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